Conceptual integrity

Lean software development

LSD의 원칙 중 하나인 Build integrity in의 도구.

Conceptual integrity means that a system’s central concepts work together as a smooth, cohesive whole. The components match and work well together; the architecture achieves an effective balance between flexibility, maintainability, efficiency, and responsiveness. When a single airline Web site has two different reservation systems, this is a clear indication that two distinctly different design concepts are being used for the central concept of make a reveration.

Conceptual integrity is a prerequisite for Perceived integrity. When a system does not have a consistent set of design ideas, usability will suffer, because the user does not have a single methphor for the application, strategies for doing the application, and user-interface tactics. —p127, Chapter 6, Lean software development (book)

How can you be sure that a good architecture will emerge? How can you be sure your system will have conceptual integrity?

  • First, use existing parts when possible.
  • Second, use integrated problem solving.
  • Third, be sure there are experienced developers involved in all critical area.
  • Finally, complex system require the Leadership of a master developer with the skills to facilitate collaborative efforts across multiple development teams.

—p139-140, Lean software development (book)

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